The thinking behind this little project was;
1. I want to learn React.
2. I couldn't think of anything to make to learn React.
3. Todo apps are the usual entry point when learning a frontend framework, but I'm a chronic people pleaser and the thought of disappointing the bot might just be the push I need to get my todo's done!
4. ChatGPT is a buzzword and I can now put "Used AI and language moddeling to increase productivity and provide effective feedback to users" as an achievement on my resume for the recruiters to enjoy!
The todo app is built on React and pulls in ChatGPT-3 for the text completion.
For the styling I went bland and chose Bootstrap 5. Mainly because I wanted to learn React and didn't feel the need to include additional learning to get styling going. So this fit the bill.
And to spruce it up a bit I included tsParticle.js as a fun little animation for when the task has been completed.